By Keiko Seino
Koreans in the North, South, and diaspora, as well as each of us in the international community, play an important role in building the reality of the Korean Dream. The One Korea Global Campaign makes progress as citizens step up and use their creativity, talents, and resources to advance the dream of a unified Korea. Here are five ways you can get involved in this noble cause.
- Become Informed
Learning as much as you can about Korean reunification will serve you well down the road. Read articles and books or talk with others who are more informed. If you are not sure where to start, check out 1dream1korea to learn about the One Korea Global Campaign or join the Korean Dream Discussion Group on Facebook to connect to like-minded individuals within the international community. Participate in conferences and forums to broaden your experiences and expand your networks.
The One Korea Global Campaign is comprised of activists, policy experts, and civic and religious leaders that have been working toward reunification for many years. People are often happy to share their knowledge, insights, and resources with others. So, don’t wait to send an email, make a phone call, or arrange a meeting.
- Spread Awareness

One Korea Global Campaign draws support for reunification
Social Movements need wide support from society to grow, thrive, and achieve results. A great way you can support the dream for One Korea is by spreading awareness. Organize a book club and read books on reunification with interested individuals. Invite someone from the Action for Korea United (AKU) network to share insights and discuss reunification with others at an informal coffee or breakfast meeting.
Spread awareness online. The Arab Spring that occurred in 2010 gained widespread support through social media. Share existing articles and videos from the One Korea Global Campaign on Facebook or Instagram. Share your own inspirations and insights on social media or write a blog post or op-ed piece for your local news outlet.
- Host an Event
If you are a university student, host a Unification Talk on campus and invite your friends, other students, and faculty members to listen to a speaker share about why Korean reunification is important. Similarly, if you are a working professional, network within your community and organize roundtable discussions and presentations. Invite local community leaders and individuals within the AKU network to address reunification.
- Fundraise
Make a donation to support activities within the One Korea Global Campaign. Take it a step further and fundraise on your college campus or within your local community. Depending on the time and resources available to you, this can be anything from a bake sale or an open mic night at a local coffee shop, to a black-tie gala at an impressive venue.
If you are a working professional, talk to your company about employee matching contributions. Additionally, solicit in-kind donations from businesses such as equipment, computers, software, or office space for meetings and events.

Wherever you call home, your support makes a big difference for the Korean Dream
- Offer Pro-bono services
Non-profit organizations, and by extension social movements, are usually not short on passion and drive, but often lack the funds to provide professional training to staff and volunteers or pay for pricy consulting services. If you are a working professional—a graphic designer, grant writer, or an accountant—lend your skills to support the dream for a unified Korea. Offer pro-bono work such as evaluation services for programs, website design, or marketing services. Alternatively, provide training to staff, interns, and volunteers on writing and communications, technology proficiency, public speaking, budgeting, and the list goes on.
Achieving the Korean Dream, a unified Korea that benefits humanity, is in the hands of the Korean people. But they cannot achieve this alone. As members of this global human family, let us lend our support to our Korean brothers and sisters.
Visit the One Korea Global Campaign website and learn more.