Faith leaders, scholars, civil society members affirmed the central importance of faith and faith leaders in building social cohesion and peace. Showcased were models of values-based peacebuilding in Nigeria, Philippines and the United States that the Global Peace...
The International Forum on One Korea During the Global Peace Convention 2019 drew scholars around the world to affirm that unification is the most viable solution to the current crisis on the Korean peninsula. Discussions touched on the challenges and opportunities...
During day 2 of the Global Peace Convention, 3 main tracks were held. The Transforming Education forums welcomed all types of educators trying to learn not only how to instill strategies and skill to children, but also what the teachers need to be for the children....
The Global Peace Convention 2019 explored an urgent need for a broad and inclusive vision to bridge social and political divides to secure peace on the Korean peninsula and around the world on February 27, the second day of the convention hosted in Seoul. Day 2...
Faith Leaders at the GPC 2019 International Forum on One Korea Jin Shin John Everard Markandey Rai One Korea Forum Speakers Cooperation Ireland Educator’s Roundtables Q and A Session of Transforming Education Tony Devine Transforming Education Forum Camlus Omogo...
Powerful women leaders from around the world and multiple sectors convened on the first day of the Global Peace Convention 2019 to address “Women’s Leadership for a Unified Korea and Global Peace.” Highlight speakers included Dr. Junsook Moon,...