Looking for a Road to Peace and Reconciliation in Korea

Looking for a Road to Peace and Reconciliation in Korea

Dr. Alexander Zhebin, Director, Center for Korean Studies, Institute of Far Eastern Studies Moscow Dirksen Senate Building ? Washington, D.C. November 14, 2017 Abstract Experience of dealing with the DPRK testifies that excessive pressure and coercion had led, in...

Unification Speech Contest

On May 30th, 2015 the “3rd Foreign Students Unification Speech Contest” with 50 students attended at the Gwangju Jeonnam University. It was an opportunity to share our thoughts and the unification vision through the debate of Korean college students and international...

Multi-culture Sports Festival

This project is to provide character education to children from multi-cultural families. The project was selected in the contest by Ministry of Gender Equality and Family with 43 Million Korean Won as donation. From May 20th to October 30th, 2015, 3 sports classes...

Academy to Support Self-sufficiency for Korean-Chinese

The “Academy to Support Korean-Chinese Self-sufficiency” was created to create a network of 700 thousand Korean-Chinese to support the self-sufficiency of Korean-Chinese living in Korea with the sponsorship of Seoul-City and GKL Social Contribution Foundation. In the...

Expert Policy forum

The Experts Policy Forum set the foundation for the establishment of the Global Peace Research Institute, created in 2015. Ongoing monthly forums convene experts in sessions to exchange opinions and perspectives on a common vision and approach for...

Youth Engagement

Action for Korea United and partners have created many avenues to educate and engage youth in the issue of Korean reunification. Just five years ago interest in reunification in the 10-30 generation was very low. Action for Korea United has provided multiple outlets...