The One Korea Global Campaign is making waves around the world, from the Philippines to the United States, Mongolia, Uganda, and in the latest One Korea International Forum hosted by Global Peace Foundation (GPF) in India on October 17. Experts in Korean civic,...
Few people get a glimpse into the obscure lives of North Korean citizens, but Father Jerry Hammond of Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers is a rare exception. He has traveled to North Korea 58 times throughout his life on humanitarian missions to provide treatment for...
A Canadian Christian missionary secretly distributes copies of a Declaration for Independence in a hospital in Seoul, Korea where he teaches veterinary science. Later that day, he cleverly escapes the attention of the police and military and photographs thousands of...
Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Chairman, Global Peace Foundation International Forum on One Korea 2017 Seoul, Korea, December 8, 2017 It is a great honor and a privilege to be back once again in my homeland of Korea and especially to be among such august members of the...
Remarks by Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Chairman, Global Peace Foundation International Forum on One Korea 2017 ? Seoul, Korea December7, 2017 I want to encourage everyone today for the groundbreaking, historic work that we began in 2012. As the founding members of AKU,...
Young Kyo Seo, National Assembly of Korea International Forum on One Korea 2017: Solutions to the Korean Peninsula Crisis Washington, D.C. November 14-15, 2017 1. Introduction South Korea, the world’s only divided nation, is being threatened by North Korea’s...