Second Korean War Imminent but Avoidable: an Indian Perspective

Second Korean War Imminent but Avoidable: an Indian Perspective

“New Approach to a Critical Turning Point: Buliding a Global Consensus for 1 Korea” December 7, 2016, National Assembly Hall, Seoul, Korea Professor Madhav Das Nalapat,  UNESCO Peace Chair, Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal...
Expanding Global Consciousness for a Unified Korea

Expanding Global Consciousness for a Unified Korea

David Caprara, Vice President, Global Peace Foundation “New Approach to a Critical Turning Point: Buliding a Global Consensus for 1 Korea” Global Peace Leadership Conference December 7, 2016, National Assembly Hall, Seoul, Korea The close relationship between Korea...
The Role of Republic of Korea in Sustainable Development

The Role of Republic of Korea in Sustainable Development

Hon. Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister, Republic of Kenya Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance (APPDSA) Forum Seoul, Republic of Korea October 8, 2015 It is a great pleasure to join you at this forum on the Role of the Republic of Korea in...
Korea’s Future and the Paradigm Changes of World Politics

Korea’s Future and the Paradigm Changes of World Politics

Dr. Jin Shin, Professor, Chungnam National University Director/National Strategy Institute, CNU Global Peace Convention February 28-March 3, 2017 Manila, Philippines A power shift and paradigm change were predicted in the global political and economic regime at the...
The Challenge of China: USA Perspectives for One Korea

The Challenge of China: USA Perspectives for One Korea

Joseph Bosco, Senior associate, the Center for Strategic and International Studies Global Peace Convention Manila, Philippines, February 28-March 3, 2017 As the program for this session notes, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea poses twin challenges to the...