Jun 28, 2017
The One K Global Campaign is using culture and song to build world-wide awareness of the critical need for Korean reunification in securing global peace; and advance values-based efforts to bring about a peaceful reunification of the Korean people. Begun in 2015, the...
Jun 22, 2017
Lee Hyeoseo, was only seven when she first witnessed a public execution in North Korea. It was only a few years later when famine would sweep through North Korea, and Hyeoseo would also see children searching for any small morsel of food and starving mothers cradling...
Jun 20, 2017
Joseph Kim appeared on Ted Talks to tell his story of coming to the United States. In 2003 a famine in North Korea claimed his father’s life. His mother and sister left in search of food and income but never returned. Joseph recalls, “Suddenly I became an orphan...
Jun 20, 2017
In 2014 Yeonmi Park told her story to the world at the One Young World conference. Since then, she has used various opportunities to shed light on the situation of the people in North Korea. “I have to do this because this is now, I’m speaking for people who want to...
Jun 20, 2017
Mr. Yu is a Korean investor living in Bahrain, a small country near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. He is 7,000 miles away from his homeland, but he is living out his calling as a Korean, to live out the principles of hongik ingan, to benefit humanity. Every...
Jun 19, 2017
A roundtable discussion on China-South Korea cooperation agenda on North Korea policy.