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Get involved with the One Korea Global Campaign

Policy and Research
Global experts are examining current geopolitical issues as well as historic lessons of peaceful political and social change. Developing a blueprint for a unified Korea can contribute to the process of integrating two societies and forestall the turmoil of recent political upheavals in the Middle East and Arab Spring movements.

Humanitarian Relief
Life for ordinary people of North Korea is bleak. Most of the country’s resources are state-owned and predominately support North Korea’s military and ruling elite. Starvation, forced labor, a growing methamphetamine crisis, and international isolation present an urgent call for humanitarian intervention.

Faith-based Social Action
Faith-based organizations are lending support to heal divided families, provide supportive social networks for refugees, and contribute to meeting the needs of North Koreans through cross-border initiatives.

Arts, Culture and Sports
Korea’s rich heritage of traditional arts and culture, language, cuisine, and martial arts is a resource for peace and shared identity. Projects that encourage cross-border people-to-people contact are building bridges of understanding.

Partnerships for Peaceful Reunification
More than 800 civil society organizations in South Korea are collaborating to build consensus for peaceful reunification. International support from nonprofit organizations can build a global movement to bring peace and shared prosperity to the Korean peninsula.

One Korea Declaration
Drafted on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japanese occupation, the One Korea Declaration captures the dream of Koreans to become a people who can serve and benefit the entire human family.
Learn more about how to get invovled with the One Korea Globla Campaign. Submit your question or email us directly at [email protected].