Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation published a seminal book proposing a fresh approach to Korean reunification that focuses on the shared values and building a long-term vision for the Korean people. “Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea” was published in Korean in 2014, Japanese in 2015 and English in 2016.
Since the publication of the Korean Dream, Global Peace Foundation and partners have been organizing local study circles and seminars in all provinces in Korea to explore key themes and topics in the book and generate dialogue and consensus for a shared vision on Korean reunification.
To purchase the book: https://www.amazon.com/Korean-Dream-Vision-Unified-Korea-ebook/dp/B06X9KDHRW/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1/161-1624098-8039330
To find a study circle near you contact Global Peace Foundation Korea at [email protected]