
“Bright Sunshine” or War: The Choice in Dealing with a Nuclear DPRK

“Bright Sunshine” or War: The Choice in Dealing with a Nuclear DPRK

By offering only the non-existent “choice” between peaceful surrender and surrender through war, the U.S. and Japan have made a mutually agreed elimination of nuclear weapons by the DPRK an impossible outcome. Another option is a “Bright Sunshine” policy towards Pyongyang that would result in expanded contact and exchange between North and South. An address by Professor Madhav Das Nalapat, UNESCO Peace Chair, Manipal University, India

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The Korean Peninsula: An Opportunity and NOT a Crisis

The Korean Peninsula: An Opportunity and NOT a Crisis

The properties of substances and Nations can change under extreme heat and pressure. After more than six decades of diplomatic stagnation, an unprecedented nexus of factors have brought us to this moment when the heat and pressure are high. An address by Dr. William J Parker III, Chief Operating Officer, EastWest Institute

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Social Transformation and Strengthening Models for Denuclearization

Social Transformation and Strengthening Models for Denuclearization

The unification process could catalyze exit from nuclear weapons, as the security of the new state, even if it is only a confederation, has to be redefined and guaranteed one way or the other. An address Dr Tarja Cronberg, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

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AKU’s Innovative Approaches for Realizing One Korea

AKU’s Innovative Approaches for Realizing One Korea

The unification movement should be more about the vision than political process. e vision by all means regardless of any political difficulties. A strong and broad civil base is a key groundwork for peaceful unification. An address by Inteck Seo, Co-chair, Action for Korea United

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‘Korean Dream’ of One Korea a Model for Global Unity

‘Korean Dream’ of One Korea a Model for Global Unity

Koreans today need to draw upon the shared destiny and cultural values that long predate the conflicting ideologies since 1945 to bridge the ideological, political, economic and national divides on the peninsula and build a peaceful future for all Koreans. Keynote address by Global Peace Foundation Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon

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How Japan Can Prepare for Unification of Korean Peninsula

How Japan Can Prepare for Unification of Korean Peninsula

Japan needs to go beyond its conventional style of diplomacy, which focuses on dealing with the current situation, and prepare a Korean Peninsula policy that takes into account the potential for regime change in North Korea and north-south unification at some stage in the future. An address by Atsushi Ijuin, Lead Economist, Japan Center for Economic Research

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