King of Garbage
Mr. Yu is a Korean investor living in Bahrain, a small country near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. He is 7,000 miles away from his homeland, but he is living out his calling as a Korean, to live out the principles of hongik ingan, to benefit humanity. Every...
2006/2007 Republic of Korea Principles and General Objectives of Education
The Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has undergone regular assessment and reform since its beginnings in the 1950’s. As the Republic of Korea’s democracy has strengthened and its economy grown, the Ministry of Education has scrutinized...
What is Hongik Ingan?
Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon’s book, Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea, spends significant time exploring hongik ingan and proposing that it can serve as a unfying and guiding principle for Korean reunification. He writes: “The Korean identity, originating in the...
China’s Role in Korean Unification Vision and Northeast Asian Peace-Building
For China, the division of the Korean Peninsula is a historical product and the master of the ultimate unification on the Peninsula are the Korean people; outside powers’ interference, no matter what the motive will be, cannot stop the unification trend. An address by Xiaohe Cheng, Deputy Director, Center for China’s International Strategic Studies, Renmin University of China
Korean Unification Vision and Northeast Asian Peace-Building: A Japanese View
North Korea’s nuclear weapons development has been a major security concern for Japan, South Korea, the United States, China, and Russia. Japan’s active economic engagement with North Korea would contribute significantly to peace-building in Northeast Asia and promote Korean unification. An address by Dr. Yoshinori Kaseda, University of Kitakyushu.
The Future Vision for a Unified Korean Peninsula: A U.S. Perspective
Korea has always been part of the larger U.S. strategic policy for the region and the world. The United States has not and will not produce a Korean unification policy on its own for implementation beyond the level of rhetoric. An address by Tong Kim, Visiting Professor at Korea University and at The University of North Korean Studies.
The Future Vision for a Unified Korean Peninsula: A Russian Perspective
For both security and economic reasons Moscow is vitally interested in peace, reconciliation and unification of Korea. An address by Dr. Alexander Zhebin
Director, Center for Korean Studies, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Moscow
One Korea Unification Vision through Neutralization
The Korean people as key players must work together for a neutralization-unification formula and persuade four major powers to support a neutralized, unified Korea, which will be in their best interests. An address by Dr. Tae-Hwan Kwak, Former President, Korea Institute for National Unification
The Future Vision for a Peaceful, Unified Korean Peninsula: A Chinese Perspective
To Chinese government, a rapid and violent reunification is clearly undesirable, but an “independent, peaceful, and gradual” reunification is different and would be desirable. Yet, such a desirable reunification is deemed by Chinese government as unfeasible in the near future. An address by Cai Jian, Ph. D.,Center for Korean Studies, Fudan University
Experts at Seoul Forum Say Postwar Korea a Development Model for Emerging Economics
Asia-Pacific Peace and Development Service Alliance Convening Highlights Service, Volunteerism, Youth Engagement The growth of Korea from one of the poorest countries in the world into a modern, vibrant democracy and one of the world’s leading economies presents...