1Dream1Korea Around the World
The 1Dream1Korea campaign kicked of in Washington D.C at the Lincoln Memorial on August 15th. The initiative, which seeks peaceful means of Reunification in Korea, was also celebrated in many parts of the world, including Japan, which also celebrated its Multicultural...
One Dream One Korea festival team arrives for August 15 Washington, DC Lincoln Memorial Concert Event
The team of performers for the 70th anniversary event commemorating Korea's liberation to be held on August 15 at the Lincoln Memorial arrived on the 13. Composer Kim Hyung-suk and recording artists Na Yoon Kwon and Yangpa were greeted by Young Jun Kim, and...
Performance of a New Unification Song at Washington Celebration of Korean Independence Deemed a Great Success
Over 200 people attended a special event organized by the One Korea Coalition supporting the peaceful unification of the Korean peninsula on August 14. The event was deemed a great success. The event began with a screening of the Dresden Declaration, delivered by...
Spreading a Song and Dream for Unification
YTN News broadcasted a clip of the opening of the One Dream One Korea festivities held from August 14 to the 15. The events were organized by the One Korea Coalition and sought to spread the dream of unity through multiple avenues, including the production of a song...
“One Korea” Event Held on Liberation Day in the United States
The Kook-Min Daily reported on the special event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Korea held in Washington DC on August 15. The U.S.-based Radio Free Asia reported reported that the Lincoln Memorial event promoting a peaceful reunification of...
New Era Unification Song
NewsIs Coverage of One Dream One Korea Campaign A civil society led campaign for Korean reunification, One Dream One Korea, sponsored two days of events in Washington DC to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Korea's independence. Sponsors...
New Unification Song Campaign debutes in Washington, Seoul and 20 other locations
Global Economics News Covers "One Dream One Korea" Event The One Dream One Korea campaign is backed by multiple organizations including the Ministry of Unification and the Presidential committee for unification preparation committee for the...
Crowds gather at the U.S. Capitol in support of Korean Reunification [Gallery]
On August 15th, the '1Dream1Korea' initiative held an event at the Lincoln Memorial in the U.S. capitol. Armed with the fans given out during the event, crowds gathered from all over the D.C. area in support of the Korean Unification campaign. The event featured...
Americans Rally for Unification at Washington’s Lincoln Memorial
The ‘One Dream One Korea’ initiative held an event on Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial in support of Korean Reunification on Saturday. Despite the heat, crowds gathered from all over the D.C. area to join in on the campaign. Among the...
Professors Assert Without Solidarity, Unification Cannot be Acheived
The Joong Ahn Daily (Korean Daily) Washington DC Desk Reports on Press Meeting with University Professors and Experts on Korean Unification A group of University Professors and regional experts at a special press meeting pushed for...