Sign Your Support
for a Free and Unified Korea

Add your voice to show the world stands with Korea
in their dream of freedom and reunification.

The #KoreanDream envisions a peaceful and unified Korean Peninsula, led by the Korean people and grounded in the principles of freedom, human rights, and shared prosperity. Rooted in the philosophy of Hongik Ingan—to live for the benefit of all humanity—this movement aspires to transform Korea into a global symbol of reconciliation and cooperation.

While reunification is a Korean-led effort, international support is vital. The Korean Dream 10 Million Campaign seeks to unite 10 million supporters worldwide by 2025, rallying global voices for peace and unity in the Peninsula. Join this global movement in building a future of dignity, security, and hope. Your support can help make peace on the Korean Peninsula a reality.

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About the One Korea Global Campaign

Education & Awareness

Empowering supporters with a common vision to take reunification into their own hands.

Policy & Research

Fostering ongoing dialogue based on a comprehensive approach to Korean reunification.

Cultural Platform

Creating a platform with popular culture to connect millions around the world.