Japan-South Korea: Finding Common Ground: Video

Japan-South Korea: Finding Common Ground: Video

A forum and roundtable discussion on Japan-South Korea cooperation on North Korea policy following the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Panelists include: Michael Auslin, a Resident Scholar and Director of...
A Global Ethical Framework for Societal Transformation

A Global Ethical Framework for Societal Transformation

Dr. Kyung-Ro Yoon Former President, Hansung University, at the Global Peace Convention 2014. During the Global Peace Convention 2014, a special breakout session examined a global ethical framework as the foundation for national transformation. To respond to the major...
The Future Vision of a Unified Korea and Building a World of Peace

The Future Vision of a Unified Korea and Building a World of Peace

Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, Chairman, Global Peace Foundation Address to the Global Peace Leadership Conference August 11-14, 2012, Seoul, Korea Theme: “The Future Vision of a Unified Korean Peninsula, and Building a World of Peace” Esteemed guests, dignitaries,...